Why, Lord? Hymns to Help in Times of Tragedy

May 25, 2022


Another shooting. Another tragedy.

Even those of us who are far away from the raw grief that others are feeling right now still can’t help but shed tears and be swept with emotions at the loss of human life yesterday at Robb Elementary. (And ten days before that, the loss of life at a grocery store.)

Sadly, unspeakable scenes of loss like this seem to be more and more commonplace. In time like these, only our Savior can truly comfort because “He has the words of life.”

Many hymn writers have detailed for us what kind of comfort we receive when we trust in Him. Their words help us remember the biblical truth we so desperately need: Jesus saves. Jesus heals. Jesus comforts. Jesus cares. Jesus is coming back.

If you’re hurting or weary or fearful right now, I encourage you to take some time and read these hymns. They will point you to the biblical truth our souls so desperately need.

It Is Well With My Soul – Written by one well-acquainted with sorrow. He lost his four daughters at once in an unspeakable tragedy.

Art Thou Weary — A tender reminder that Jesus is calling all those who are weary and heavy-laden to Himself so we can truly rest.

How Can I Keep From Singing — Seemingly trite at first glance but the words convince otherwise, reminding us that God gives us songs even in the night.

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus — A reminder that there is indeed “light for a look at the Savior.”

Be Still, My Soul — The writer calmly and confidently points to the reassuring truth that the Lord is indeed on our side.

Nearer, My God, To Thee — Associated with another tragedy, this hymn was allegedly played as the Titanic sank. It’s a reminder that our woes have a higher purpose: to draw us closer to God.

Our Great Savior—A hymn that rejoices in the loving nature of Jesus who cares for us, even when our hearts are breaking.

Near to the Heart of God — A soothing song that persuades us of the most wonderful place we can ever be: near to the heart of God. This is a place where “sin cannot molest.”

Jesus Is Mine — No matter what, we have Jesus, and this hymn sweetly reminds us of this truth.

Blest Be the Tie That Binds — Our Hymn of the Month reminds us that, as believers, our hope of Heaven carries us through unspeakable loss.


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