5 Ways to Include Hymns in Your Summer Plans
Jun 11, 2024
The "official" start of summer is nearly here but if you're anything like me, you've been in summer mode for a while!
The start of summer often means a change of routine which can also mean a pause on whatever mode of hymn study you and your family are used to (whether that's a more formalized plan as part of your homeschool day or a more flexible plan that involves simple ways to include hymns in your personal or family devotional time).
With summer in mind, here's a short list of simple ways to keep remembering God's plan for hymns and the biblical truth they contain all summer long.
1. Make a hymn and worship playlist and listen to it on road trips and as you drive to and from your summer activities. No time to make a playlist? Here's one you can use (and I plan to create even more).
2. Include hymns as part of your family worship time. While homeschool studies may be on pause, family worship shouldn't be! You don't need to be musically inclined to do this! If you can't play a musical instrument, you can always "play" YouTube. There are so many good hymns there. Tip: Be creative and try a hymnal drill. Each person gets a hymnal and the leader can call out different hymns to see who finds the hymn in the hymnal first. Yes, if you grew up with "sword drills" this is exactly like that only with a Bible rather than a hymnal.
3. Color hymns during quiet time! You know that period of time AFTER playtime or the pool and BEFORE dinner? Use it as quiet time and play hymns or Scripture while you and/or the kids color hymn-themed coloring pages. This is also a great activity to do before bedtime to help kids settle down. Download your free coloring page here or get the Hymns to Color bundle here.
4. Brainstorm hymns at the beach! If beach plans are on the horizon, make sure to make this an opportunity to read, sing, reflect or brainstorm all the hymns that include references to the ocean, waves, anchors and sun, etc. (e.g. My Anchor Holds, Safe to the Rock that Is Higher Than I, Haven of Rest, God Moves In a Mysterious Way, Eternal Father Strong to Save, Sunshine in My Soul).
5. Host a Summer Sing Night. This one is my favorite. Invite your church's small group (or your whole church if it's a small church and your house is big enough!) or just a group of friends to your home and plan to sing a few hymns in your living room, backyard or around your firepit. It helps to have at least one musical person in the group to play a guitar, keyboard or another instrument but if all you have is one person that can somewhat hold a tune, I say go for it! Acapella hymns can be especially beautiful. S'mores are optional but recommended.
Now it's your turn. What are some ways you plan to include hymns in your summer?
Email me to let me know!
- Kristen
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