Hymn of the Month: How Firm a Foundation

Jul 01, 2020

"How Firm a Foundation" first appeared to hymn readers in John Rippon's A Selection of Hymns  (1787) which attributed the text to someone simply known as "K –."

Some believe this to be George Keith and some believe this to be Robert Keane.  But nobody really knows for sure who "K" is. 

Not knowing is not easy!  And the ability to search Google for almost anything we don't know and almost immediately know only makes the finality of not knowing something even more difficult for us 21st century Christians.

But in this case, it is especially fitting that we don't know for sure because it reminds us to take comfort in what we do know for sure. 

And that sure thing we know is God's Word, both the Person  of Jesus Christ and the written words of  Scripture. 

Current events are revealing the uncertainty of this age more than ever but God's Word is as certain as ever. 

Those sensitive to the pain of injustice while also sensitive to the deceptive devices of Satan are facing an incredible opportunity and challenge right now to demonstrate God's love while grounding it in God's truth.  

Let's remember to lean on this firm Foundation and know that the rivers of sorrow will not drown us and the flames will not hurt us. 

As our anonymous "K" reminds us, God's grace, all-sufficient, will be our supply.

Read the hymn and access the related resources here. 

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