Hymn of the Month: Am I a Soldier of the Cross?
Aug 01, 2020
Most hymns weren't written after traumatic or life-altering experiences but were simply written from the heart of someone walking with the Lord. This month's hymn was written by someone not only walking with the Lord but by someone preaching the Word.
The prolific English hymn writer Isaac Watts penned the words to “Am I a Soldier of the Cross” to illustrate the biblical truth found in 1 Corinthians 16:13 — "Be alert, stand firm in the faith, be courageous, be strong.”
In Watts' time, England was the greatest power of Europe with a long history of warfare and they were in a constant state of revolution and political and social chaos.
Watts’ congregation would have readily identified with the militant and war-time imagery this hymn depicts, but today’s believers can identify with this imagery as well.
Many Christians across the world know first-hand the experiences of wartime and those of us less experienced in physical warfare can certainly identify with spiritual warfare.
Especially now.
Christianity and its biblical worldview are no longer mainstream in America and the ever-growing cancel culture makes it even more challenging for many Christians to speak Jesus' name without blushing (stanza 1) or without fear of retaliation.
Satan is also at work, knowing his end is very near.
What foes are you facing today? When was the last time you shared your faith or spoke about your friend Jesus to an unbeliever?
As we face a new month, let’s determine to move through it with courage, speaking God's truth in love while supported by God’s Word (stanza 4).
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