Why We Need Some Christmas Hymns to Be in a Minor Key (HI Ep. 7)
Dec 08, 2021
In this episode of Hymns Illustrated, we'll look closer at our hymn of the month (HOM) and why we need at least some of our Christmas hymns to be in a minor key.
We'll think more about the meaning of Emmanuel (God with us), and discover a little-known Christmas hymn that the Gettys and Ricky Skaggs recently recorded.
In our "Take It With You" segment, I share something you can do alone or with children in the week leading up to Christmas Day to remember the names and person of Christ.
Come listen in!
Mentioned Resources:
Brightest and Best by the Gettys and Ricky Skaggs: Watch YouTube video
Names of Christ Ornament Book (Dayspring.com)
Sign up for the Hymn of the Month Newsletter here.
Intro and outro music: Josh Snodgrass (used with permission)
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