A Hymn for Times When Leaders Disappoint

Apr 09, 2023

Sadly, we all face times when Christian leaders disappoint us. These are perfect opportunities for us to evaluate where we have been placing our hope and fix our vision on Jesus only.

A number of hymns help us do this but the hymn below is a little-known gem especially fitted for this role. 

Using different titles for Jesus, Its lyrics have a way of simply drawing our hearts to the all-sufficiency of Christ. He will never, ever disappoint us.

Jesus Only

by Albert B. Simpson

Jesus only is our message,
Jesus all our theme shall be;
We will lift up Jesus ever,
Jesus only will we see.

Jesus only, Jesus ever,
Jesus all in all we sing,
Savior, Sanctifier, and Healer,
Glorious Lord and coming King.

Jesus only is our Savior,
All our guilt He bore away,
All our righteousness He gives us,
All our strength from day to day. [Refrain]

Jesus is our Sanctifier,
Cleansing us from self and sin,
And with all His Spirit’s fullness,
Filling all our hearts within. [Refrain]

Jesus only is our Healer,
All our sicknesses He bare,
And His risen life and fullness,
All His members still may share. [Refrain]

Jesus only is our Power,
He the Gift of Pentecost,
Jesus, breathe Thy pow’r upon us,
Fill us with the Holy Ghost. [Refrain]

And for Jesus we are waiting,
List’ning for the advent call;
But ’twill still be Jesus only,
Jesus ever, all in all. [Refrain]




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