Jesus, Our Light in an Extremely Dark World
Oct 06, 2022
In this latest episode of the Hymns Illustrated podcast, we take a first look at our Hymn of the Month and explore biblical themes in Philip P. Bliss's hymn, "The Light of the World Is Jesus."
I also share a little known hymn and two book recommendations related to biblical prophecy (which helps draw us to the Light in dark times) and sharing our faith with others (which helps us be lights in a dark world.)
Until next time, keep your hymnal open!
– Kristen
Links & Resources:
- Go to our HOM resource page here.
- Start your Hymns Illustrated membership here. (It's my version of Patreon.)
- Buy this month's hymn study here.
Book Recommendations:
Author Todd Hampson's books about Bible prophecy.
Rebecca Manley Pippert's book, Stay Salt.
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