🎶 Join the Homeschool Hymn of the Month Club 🎶

The Homeschool Hymn of the Month Club is an affordable monthly hymn study subscription that can be canceled at any time.

Each plan is ideal in both homeschool and family worship settings and includes a monthly hymn study guide (over 25 pages) and a weekly members-only newsletter that highlights teachable moments for families, devotional insights and bonus resources!

Summer Pricing Ends September 21.

Current and Upcoming Hymns: Amazing Grace (August) and Great Is Thy Faithfulness (September).

Hymn of the Month Club (Basic Membership)

$5/month (Summer Pricing)

Access to One Hymn of the Month at a Time

  • Hymn Study Guide Every Month With Over 25 Pages (See What's Included Below!)
  • Members-Only Newsletters Throughout the Month to Highlight Teachable Moments and Offer Bonus Resources)
  • Summer Pricing Ends September 21

PLUS Membership


Access to Everything

  • Portal Access to Hymn Study Libraries (2023 and 2024 Collections)
  • Private Song of Saints Podcast (Takes You Through the History of Our Hymns!)
  • Every Single Resource We Ever Create!


Click here to save with $50 annual membership.


Click here to save with $108 annual PLUS membership.

What's Included?

  • At-a-Glance (Recommended stanzas, themes and verses for each week of the month)
  • Hymn Background & Hymn Story for Kids
  • Reference Sheet (Scripturized hymn text, keyword glossary & QR codes to YouTube video and sheet music)
  • Reflection Tools (Reflection Questions & Word Search Puzzle)
  • Stanza Studies (one set for adults & older children and another set for younger children)
  • Coloring Pages (for all ages)
  • Activity Pages (for all ages)
  • Hymn Writer Research Sheet (NEW) (most suitable for older children)
  • Reflection Words Worksheet (NEW) (most suitable for older children)
  • Member Email Newsletter (to keep you on track — includes fun bonus resources, too!)

Yes, It's a Lot!

Take a Look!

Scroll through the sneak peek pages below!

How Membership Works 

When you sign up for Hymns Illustrated Basic Membership, you'll receive an email with your first hymn study and will receive all you need by email as long as you're a member.

When you sign up for Hymns Illustrated PLUS Membership, you'll be asked to choose a username and password which you'll use to log in to your portal (details sent via email). 

Once logged in, you'll see all the hymn studies available to you based on your membership plan. (Hymn of the Month Membership includes one hymn study at a time).

You'll also receive members-only emails and bonus drops to help motivate you to stay on track with your hymn study and keeping your hymnal open.

What Hymns Are Included When You Join PLUS Membership Today?


The Wondrous Story Library

Our current library (2024) grows every month and includes The Love of God, To God Be the Glory, What a Friend We Have In Jesus, and more.

Our focus this year is all about the true, Gospel story and its message unfolds each month with a new truth and corresponding hymn.

These are especially familiar and favorite hymns.


The Song of Saints Library

In 2023, we worked through the history of our hymns and each month's hymn corresponded to a specific time period in hymn history.

Hymns Include: Holy Holy, Holy (Biblical); Shepherd of Tender Youth (Ancient); All Glory, Laud and Honor (Medieval); Jesus Lives and So Shall I (German); Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness (German); All People That On Earth Do Dwell (English); When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (English); The Doxology (English); There Is a Balm in Gilead (American Spiritual); Come, Ye Sinners (American); Count Your Blessings (American); Joy Has Dawned (Modern)



Have Questions?

We've got answers. Check out the FAQ below and email us here with additional questions!


Hymns Make Scripture Sticky.


A Note 

When poet and hymn writer William Cowper wrote, “Sometimes a light surprises the Christian while he sings," he wrote truth to which all God's people can relate.

The role of singing and hymns in the lives of God’s people is powerful. And as we see in Colossians 3:16, it’s also purposeful:

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. – Colossians 3:16

The mission of Hymns Illustrated is to help you and your family apply Colossians 3:16 and integrate hymns in your daily walk with God and anticipate Christ's second coming!

My prayer is to help you see for yourself that special light that surprises God’s people when they sing and read biblical hymns of faith.

- Kristen Iaffaldano, Founder & Editor


Behind the scenes. Nearly twenty years ago, Kristen began sending simple Hymn of the Month emails to friends and family from her personal email address.

Today, she’s still doing that via Hymns Illustrated!

When she’s not reading hymns, Kristen enjoys time with her family and church family, tinkering with typewriters and learning guitar.

She also works as a virtual assistant and supports online business owners in Iowa where her husband pastors Faith Baptist Church in Knoxville.