Introducing Hymns Illustrated Membership
Mar 31, 2022
In his book, Near to the Heart of God, Robert J. Morgan refers to hymns as "miniature Bible studies that lead us effortlessly to worship, testimony, exhortation, prayer and praise."
I was struck once again with the truth of that statement when, not too long ago, I sat down to create a hymn study devotional guide for the hymn, "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty" by Joachim Neander.
I found multiple Scripture passages to back up each and every line of the hymn. And as I studied the hymn and the Scripture that supports it, something noticeable happened.
That hymn with all its biblical truth just kept popping up in my heart and mind at all hours of the day. And even in the night when I needed my heart to truly rest in the Lord rather than the evil in the world today.
God's truth clung to my heart and the hymn helped it stay there.
Of course, this just motivated me even more to get my plans for Hymns for Life off the ground and as of this week, it is officially here.
Hymns Illustrated Membership is a hymn appreciation and resource subscription service to help you integrate hymns into your daily life so you can better remember biblical truth, too -- and then share it with others.
As a member, you will receive a hymn study devotional guide each month along with other resources like printable greeting cards, coloring sheets and reflection puzzles that help you discover, appreciate, reflect through, remember and share our hymns.
If you're ready to discover the power of hymns beyond the pew, I invite you to join me over in the membership. I'm grateful to the Lord for His direction in this new endeavor and can't wait to serve you in this way.
In Christ,
Kristen Iaffaldano, Editor
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