Hell Is Moving (Hymn Story: Brethren, We Have Met to Worship)

Mar 27, 2023

Last week, our congregation was singing a hymn we really don't sing that often. Brethren, We Have Met to Worship is an old camp-meeting song and has some language and imagery we don't find in a lot of songs these days.

Tears made their way unexpectedly to my eyes and my heart was moved. I'm guessing you know the feeling.

In true camp-meeting style, this hymn conveys an urgency that is rare even among older hymns.

It accurately communicates the life and death matter the gospel directly addresses and the frightening destiny of unsaved souls. By the way, in the next 10 seconds, can you think of another hymn that actually uses the word "hell?" It's not easy, is it?

There's some question as to whether this hymn was written by a Mr. George Askins or a Mr. George Atkins. Apparently, both of these gentlemen were circuit-riding preachers in the 1800s and had some degree of connection to the song.

More documentation, however, supports George Askins as the hymn writer and I believe the following description of his personality supports that, too. The world needs to hear that God is love but the world also needs to hear the truth about hell. In fact, you could argue that speaking the truth about hell is showing love.

Well, it seems that God raised George Askins especially for that purpose.

 Rev. John Stamper, a contemporary of Askins, describes him this way:

. . . He was a man of small stature, and a cripple, one of his legs being withered up to the hip; yet he was more active on foot than any cripple I ever saw. Notwithstanding his bodily infirmity, he was full of spirit, and a stranger to fear. No threats could deter him from speaking his sentiments, no matter who might hear them, and he would reprove sin wherever or by whomever committed. In doing this, he often gave great offense, and on one or two occasions suffered personal injury. He was a great stickler for the peculiarities of Methodism. . .. Askins was a good preacher because he preached a pure gospel in the power and demonstration of the Spirit. . . He was an impassioned and often eloquent orator, and I have seen whole congregations stand aghast while he was descanting upon the punishment of the wicked (Redford, 451-452).


Brethren, We Have Met to Worship

(likely) by George Askins

Brethren, we have met to worship
And adore the Lord our God;
Will you pray with all your power,
While we try to preach the Word?
All is vain unless the Spirit
Of the Holy One comes down;
Brethren, pray, and holy manna
Will be showered all around.

Brethren, see poor sinners round you
Slumb'ring on the brink of woe;
Death is coming, hell is moving,
Can you bear to let them go?
See our fathers and our mothers,
And our children sinking down;
Brethren, pray and holy manna
Will be showered all around.

Sisters, will you join and help us?
Moses' sister aided him;
Will you help the trembling mourners
Who are struggling hard with sin?
Tell them all about the Savior,
Tell them that He will be found;
Sisters, pray, and holy manna
Will be showered all around.

Let us love our God supremely,
Let us love each other, too;
Let us love and pray for sinners,
Till our God makes all things new.
Then He'll call us home to heaven,
At His table we'll sit down;
Christ will gird Himself, and serve us
With sweet manna all around.

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