A Hymn for Urgent Needs (Everyday Hymns Series)
Nov 14, 2022
While urgent needs may not happen in our own lives every day, we know these needs are still present every day in the body of Christ.
And we have the privilege to pray for them every day.
John Newton's hymn, "Humble Confidence" may be new to many but it's the perfect one to remember when praying for our own urgent needs or the needs of others.
Inspired by the biblical account of Jacob wrestling the angel of the Lord all night long, Newton skillfully highlights the emotion of urgency in prayer while still managing to leave the reader and singer in a place of hope.
He states the urgency of his need before the Lord, recalls God's mercy in His own life at his conversion, reminds God of His mercies since salvation and ends the prayerful hymn on a note of insistent confidence in God's character and the person of Jesus Christ.
Do you or someone you know have an urgent need today?
Use this hymn as a pattern for your own prayer and let God's goodness make you bold.
Lord! I cannot let thee go,
Till a blessing thou bestow;
Do not turn away thy face,
Mine's an urgent, pressing case.
Once a sinner, near despair,
Sought thy mercy-seat by prayer;
Mercy heard and set him free
Lord! that mercy came to me.
Many days have passed since then,
Many changes I have seen;
Yet have been upheld till now,
Who could hold me up but thou?
Thou hast helped in every need
This emboldens me to plead;
After so much mercy past,
Canst thou let me sink at last?
No — must maintain my hold;
'Tis thy goodness makes me bold;
I can no denial take,
Since I plead for Jesus' sake.
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