A Hymn for the Start of Autumn
Sep 19, 2023
Temperatures are dropping here in Iowa — slowly but surely. Are they dropping where you live? And are you as big a fan of fall as I am?
There's so much I love about this season. It can be extra busy with the holidays around the corner but if you time it just right, here at the very start of fall, you can enjoy some of the most serene, cozy moments of the year.
Hymn writer Julia Johnston (known mostly for Grace Greater Than All Our Sin) took a few serene moments herself to write her thoughts about this time of year.
She formed them into a rather short but beautiful hymn and titled it with one word: Autumn.
May her words gently coax you into a spirit of gratitude for the beauty around us and recognition of our need for God's grace and guidance as we reap our own spiritual harvest.
by Julia H Johnston (1849-1919)
See, in the woodland, the leaves turning crimson;
Hark, how they rustle and fall to the ground.
Autumn, bright autumn is smiling and glowing,
Showing the treasures that now may be found.
Praise the Creator who giveth us richly
All His good bounty to use and enjoy;
Lift up your hearts and your voices in singing,
Joyful thanksgiving the days should employ.
Sheaves that are golden are housed in the garner,
Fruits that have ripened are gathered and stored.
Autumn has come with its bounteous blessing,
Riches and beauty are freely out-poured.
Life has its autumn, its sheaves to be garnered,
Then we shall reap what at first we have sown;
Grant us, O Father, Thy grace and Thy guidance,
Let us be reapers of blessings alone.
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