A Hymn for New Beginnings
Jan 04, 2023
Welcome to a new year and the fresh start it brings. If you love this time of year like I do, then your determination and hope level is likely pretty high as you plot out your goals and picture what this time next year might look like.
As we enjoy this fresh start built into God's marvelous plan for seasons that end and begin at just the right time, it's crucial to remember:
- We can't do anything without God.
- We should hold our plans loosely, ultimately surrendering to God's plan.
- There's not a moment in 2023 that God doesn't already know about. He's worth trusting!
Is there a hymn to help us remember these things? Absolutely.
My Helper, God! I Bless His Name
by Philip Doddridge
My helper, God! I bless His name,
The same His power, His grace the same,
The tokens of His friendly care care
Open, and crown, and close the year.
I ’midst ten thousand dangers stand,
Supported by His guardian hand;
And see, when I survey my ways,
Ten thousand monuments of praise.
Thus far His arm has led me on;
Thus far I make His mercy known;
And, while I tread this desert land,
New mercies shall new songs demand.
My grateful soul, on Jordan’s shore,
Shall raise one sacred pillar more,
Then bear, in His bright courts above,
Inscriptions of immortal love.
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