A Hymn for Driving (Everyday Hymns Series)

Oct 31, 2022

This post continues our "everyday hymns" series where we match the words of hymns to things that happen in everyday life.

I took a road trip from Iowa to southern Indiana and back this past week and couldn't help but wonder if there was a "hymn for that." Admittedly, "Give Me Gas in My Ford" passed through my mind. And so did "Jesus, Take the Wheel."

But thankfully several bonafide hymns also crossed my mind. 

By the way, matching a hymn to everyday tasks like driving really helps you think through biblical truth and its application for us. I recommend trying it for yourself!

To think through hymns for spending time behind a steering wheel, my mind ran through spiritual topics like our journey to Heaven, our need for God's guidance and protection, patience, and of course, worthwhile ways to pass the time. 

I settled on that last one with the hymn, Singing I Go by Eliza Hewitt. Because who doesn't belt out in song while driving? 


Singing I Go

by Eliza Hewitt


The trusting heart to Jesus clings,
Nor any ill forebodes,
But at the cross of Calv’ry, sings,
Praise God for lifted loads!


Singing I go along life’s road,
Praising the Lord, praising the Lord,
Singing I go along life’s road,
For Jesus has lifted my load.

The passing days bring many cares,
Fear not, I hear Him say,
And when my fears are turned to prayers,
The burdens slip away.


He tells me of my Father’s love,
And never slumbering eye,
My everlasting king above
Will all my needs supply.


When to the throne of grace I flee,
I find the promise true,
The mighty arms upholding me
Will bear my burdens too.


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